Sunday, November 27, 2011

Life bLueS !!!

The strangest feelings I ever thought i would go through , is my life to come to a standstill.
Though everything around is running at a pace almost equivalent to time i will say, it feels my time machine has somehow malfunctioned.
I tried innumerable times, but it seems impossible to make out the reason. Did the engine choke  or the tyres wear out, well brake shoe definitely looks in good shape.
In that case, the gearbox may have been damaged.
Maybe or maybe not, but the accelerator for sure has stopped working.
Life doesn’t look like moving at all. Even the scenes outside the window have become stationary.
To cross check whether the driving forces have withdrawn was one thought that crossed my mind, and to my surprise even they appear to be quite with me.
The pulse of the pulsators still has a near healthy count .
But one thing I am certain about, even though my driving energies are present somewhere within the range;  they have all started to scatter in tits n bits.
It may be the influence  of the alien environ, the fast running world outside the secure cocoon we once used to reside in.
It hurts when I get nightmares of glimpses of my life  some years from now without these pulses.
I am sure none of these threads are happy trying to catch up in the race alone, without the integrated strength that once made one of the strongest ropes ever called “the pulsators”.

However hard I try to push this malfunctioned car, it doesn't move even an inch forward.   

Life has made us all so entwined within our own webs that , the beautiful nest of our alliance is fading off with time.
We really need to catch up buddies before this standstill gets superimposed on all our lives, especially mine.
Miss u all so much... L L

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A word of thought for teachers

Last night I happened to come across the movie ‘Do Duni Char’ while surfing through the channels. Although I have already seen the movie twice, I could not stop myself from watching this simple, low budget drama, about which probably many people might not have even heard.
The movie clearly portrays the practical situations, troubles and difficulties faced by every other school teacher and his family in day to day life.
It always takes me down the memory lane to my school and college days and  recall all my dear teachers who have made me what I am known to be today.
“Teacher” is one of those words which is grasped by a child not very long after learning ma n pa; and that stays embedded in ones heart and soul forever.

It can be veritably quoted for teachers that……
People in other professions are responsible only for the products they make or the services they offer to the people but teachers shoulder the responsibility of making individuals and molding their personality.
In short they have the obligation of creation and maintenance of the entire structure of the society.
A mother gives birth to a child, a father supports and protects him but a teacher grooms him for getting prepared for his complete lifetime.   
Teacher is one of those milestones in the life of each person without whom a child cannot even take a step forward , let aside the question of adding to the development of the country. He shapes the raw minds of children which is like giving shape to a lump of clay. It is totally in his hands whether he builds or destroys it. 
It takes every teacher a lot of patience and effort to handle a task so fragile.

Taking all these points into consideration, I have just one question to pose to our democratic republic, which pops up in my mind every time I get a chance to see this film.
Why can’t we create an economic structure where every individual involved with this respectable and noble profession can put through the evens and odds of their lives with a little more comfort.

The numerous cases when we get to witness a teacher indulge into any undesirable activities, which would be out of greed seldom, but most often it is merely to fulfill the needs of their families clearly elucidates the conception. 
If our civilization can devote such immense amounts for people who prepare nuclear weapons, people who manufacture luxury products, people who design new equipments and develop softwares for making the life of masses easier, why not dedicate a substantial amount for the respectable figures who make us stand on our feet and teach us how to run and catch up with our counterparts in the race of life.  

The movie has done complete justice to the topic and the intent has been expressed in the most subtle manner, which can be grasped and thought upon by the Bollywood janta.
Hence, I wish one day, the people of our nation will voice this fact and ask for answers from our government for their gurus and mentors.  

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Destiny sounds to be a funny term to me now.
It definitely is defined as an event that is inevitable to occur in future, then why is it, that every time I find it presenting me with something that I always dread of.

It really makes me ponder at times, does this only happen with me or is this the plot of kismet for each existing individual on this planet?

Every time I try to take an important decision of life , which happens quite rarely (as I happen to belong to the category of homo sapiens who remain in dilemma, in 90 percent of the situations faced), the wonderful destiny is standing right in front ,to bang my already messed up head with the most uncalled-for situations.
And this “BANG” of fate comes like a blow, all set to bust the tiny plans that I had somehow managed to put in place.
The entire dubiety in my head about this issue is that why this blow is always headed 180 degrees opposite to all my thoughts.
The chances of it being somehow parallel is limited awfully to almost once or twice out of hundred.
And trust me when so ever that happens, I honestly feel like offering God with a bribe of Laddoos so that I get to see such fortunate occurrences a little more often.

There are also times when I get a feel that now I can vividly make out the path taken by my luck amongst these terrifying games and try to take a safer path with my decisions;
Hahhaha, yet again it is there footing head-on towards me with even uglier situations, saying there is no escape from its clasp.  
After going through all this, you might be bewildered over the little question popping up in the corner of your mind, that why did I relate destiny to being funny if it is always so busy pestering me??
Substantially speaking, here the emphasis is not at all on how funny my fate can be, instead it is on the fact that at the end of day after taking all the bashes by my destiny dearest, all I can do is sit back and laugh on myself.

 It seems the toughest taskmaster is all set to impart some lessons that will advocate me to make some major corrections in my dictionary of life.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Diary Entry of a newbie 'IT'ian .....

It took me quite long to get my fingers back on the keyboard for jotting down some of my experiences and opinions on this new ‘crook’, I would say, in my life.
It’s the same city which I had visited twice in the yesteryears But it appears to be a completely different world to me now.                                     
And I think I can clearly make out the reason behind.
Bangalore, rather Bengaluru I should call it now, is in a literal sense the IT hub. The city seems to be satiated to its brim with hundreds of IT companies at every nook and corner. Yet it absorbs the huge crowds of youngsters that keep pouring in, quite magnanimously.
Now that we are into this topic I would also like to elucidate some facts about the IT employees residing in Bengaluru that I have observed.
It is very easy to identify an IT guy due to certain traits that almost all of them share uniformly across the country, if not the globe.
The foremost trait would be their ID cards, famously designated as “Patta” which should ideally be hung around their necks but it is seldom found there.
Every  morning you can find them running after their company shuttles and cabs as it is next to impossible for them to open their eyes in the morning and catch the conveyances at around 7:30 to 8:00 a.m.
They are  generally not spotted outside the office premises anywhere except the smoking zones during the afternoons.
Well smoking happens to be one of their favorite pastimes, as I see it, but actually as  they say, it becomes a necessity for most of them to handle the pressure and periodic thrashings coming from their Project Managers.
The off-time which should be renamed as release time is around 6:30 or 7:00 p.m. until you have not been assigned a project. But once you are into a project, well then there is literally no fixed work timing for you. You can consider yourself very lucky if you get to step inside your house and rest there during the earthly hours. 

Evening sees these poor creatures drenched in fatigue. They don’t even have the strength left to greet each other or pass a smile. All they care about is to get home and take a peaceful nap.
This is the undying modus operandi for them throughout the week.
The best and most awaited time for them are the weekends. Friday night seems to be a heaven-sent respite. Saturday and Sunday are the two days when you actually get to see them living their life. They shop and party their hearts out during these days.        
Sunday night is bad and Monday morning is the worst part in their lives.
So precisely talking, they keep struggling (24 X 7 X 52) hours .
Well very soon I will have to make a correction in this article…coz soon enough all the “they’s” would be converted to “I’s”.
To confess, some of them already have!!!
All I’ve got to say is…IT  life appears to be so flashy and happening to the outside world but genuinely I have found the lives of each individual associated with this domain very hollow and distressed.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


The  strive  to win and keep winning
The fight to reach the zenith
The realization,
 that universe lies even above
And the quest to conquer  further.
Every day when I come back home
And stand in front of the mirror
The reflection must boast of the victories
Be it feeble faint or freak.
I am not to be counted as subsisting
If I lag behind
I am no longer to be recognized
If  I  join the crowd.
Nothing suffices the esteem
Of the foremost lieu as they say
So why do I even take a chance
And give them an easy play.
Hence here I stand and confess
Though shall it sound crude
The world is nothing more than a court
Where  every soul performs.

Yet the most interesting side that still persists depicts…..that,
The one at the front
Has  little holes in heart
To leak out the chances,
of flakes of luxury and  pleasure.
And the one in the rear
Stays content in the crew
 With specks and tinges
Higher in the priority  queue.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Now it seems life is ready to take a very sharp u-turn.
After bidding goodbye to some of my best buddies and after attending 4 days of the training programme by the firm I have been placed in, I suddenly feel like a grown up.
10 years back when I had nothing other than my school stuff to bother about and nobody caring to even involve me in any other so-called important matters and decisions, how bad I urged that i was an adult.
When i saw the "bade log" going out and taking care of all important matters, i wished somebody took me serious enough to ask my views over some of those issues.

Today when I actually have earned the position when I am being asked to take bigger decisions on my own and live life on my terms, I feel this impulse of going 10 years back, again to my childhood days. 
I want to go back to those times when nobody looked forward to what was my say on the significant cuts of life.
I want to go back to those days when the schedule of a regular day was all about getting ready in the morning for school, waiting for the school bus at 5:30 a.m. , enjoying the 6 hours of everyday school life with friends, standing at the bus gate waiting for the dismissal bell, going back home and wait eagerly for the clock to tick 5 p.m. so that i could run out of the house to play outdoor games, completing my home-work , packing my bag for the next day and going off to bed.

Life has reached the crossroad where i very well knew it would some day, ready to reveal the newer dimensions of life, offering the openings to new opportunities and to meet more people.

But each day as i move closer to this new sphere, i feel those butterflies inside my stomach which i used to get before going to take the exams or on the report card day during school times.
It is very difficult to understand this strange flavor of life all of a sudden. 

And bidding adieu to my pals is making all of it much more worse.

I wish I never grew up at all.
I wish my parents took all these vital decisions for me as they did earlier.
And most of all I wish I never had to part from my friends.
Time seems to be slipping out of my hand like grains of sand and although i want to hold on to it so bad, it is impossible.

All i can do now is to have patience and loads of courage to take life head-on as it comes.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


After having completed the majestic publications like “ PRISON BREAK” and “LOST” I have recently picked up a new and to be fair enough, a quite discreet series. That had to be mentioned when the three names are being used in such adjacent sentences. So here I break the ice… its called TBBT.
Yeah I know its one of those famous American series and I am pretty sure most of you would have already seen it by now.
Well frankly, I am almost in the middle of season 1 and completely beguiled by the show already. So here are some tit bits from my angle on the show.

To begin with, some illuminance for those who haven’t seen it yet. Do not get mislead by the name. I say that because in case you are not an ardent fan of Sci-fi programs there are 100% chances of you getting appalled by it.

I do not blame the name to be a total deceiver at that. No doubt it contains a huge essence, well rather its almost a dive into the dire scientific terms throughout the episodes.
But , the pitiful story basically revolves around this group of nerds who keep trying quite hard to mingle up with the ‘ordinary man’, as adverted by Sheldon, ohhh…I am not going to spoil the fun here by revealing the name of the most interesting character so modestly, trust me he deserves, heaps of praise.
Now, the ones who have got a chance to view it, must be wondering why I just called it a ‘pitiful’ story??
No, its not these nerds for sure whom I am having sympathy upon, on the contrary it’s the rest of the world around them, and most of all their front door neighbor, poor PENNY.
The degree of the extent of her haplessness can be judged in one of the episodes when this super geek, Sheldon breaks into her house (OMG I again entered into the saga of Sheldon, GOD help me…he is already driving me nuts…
Mmmm let me introduce you to all the characters here itself bcoz I surely cant hold the misadventure that poor penny went thru inside my stomach any more.
1)Sheldon , 2)Leonard (both physicists),3)Rajesh(the astrophysicist), 4)Howard(the engineer)….. ;are the four nerds I earlier mentioned about and of course 5)poor penny(a waitress)...intro done)
Let us continue.
Okay so I was at the point when Sheldon broke into penny’s house with the spare key she had given to her neighbors for emergencies, mind it;
And stayed there to clean it to his satisfaction, because apparently he could not sleep with so much randomness in his vicinity.
The reason behind this unusual act, is what you people must be thinking of.
The argument that Sheldon had given would definitely bounce off ur head.
So for now just let it be his utter discomfort with entropy all around penny’s house, and in ordinary man’s language, penny had a habit of living with mess all around her apartment.
This was just a tinee-winee example from the vast gallery of deeds by Sheldon cooper.
Now that I am a little content with the description of the mastermind for now, i can try moving further.
Leonard, the friend who shares the apartment with Sheldon, happens to be a less peculiar geek, as he is quite often open to changes.
Raj and … are the other two friends of the nerdy bunch who are nevertheless into driving the ordinary people crazy all the time with their extraordinary experiments.

One thing which I noticed and do appreciate about this series is that they have portrayed a perfectly intimate friendship clubbed with the loads of mockeries and leg-pulling of an Indian , a Jewish and two American guys.

Well that’s a lot I guess for now, I suggest all to go watch this wonderful expedition on the turmoil of the world, courtesy 4 extraordinary geeky guys.
Don't worry u will survive the rest of us did...
You will love it!!!

hangover of four years...soon to cease :( :(

I can clearly recall the day of my admission. I was so annoyed at the idea of spending the four golden years of college lyf in an institution situated at a place which could not even be located on the google map.
But as the years passed, I realized the loads of opportunities that this campus has given me which not only helped me overcome my shortcomings but had transformed me overall and become the person today I am, all set to face the intriguing world outside.
I also happened to meet some very wonderful batchmates, teachers and of course the most mystifying bunch of idiots called ‘PULSATORS‘ and life suddenly seemed to develop completely new definitions. These people began grabbing those corners in my heart which had been left vacant for some extraordinary debuts over my lifetime.
The new horizon I was getting into was replete with various ups and downs which I thought I had to go through on my own. But whenever I thought I was standing alone and looked behind, to my surprise there were always these idiots trying their level best to spoil my concentration, teasing and laughing aloud but yet the pillar which never let me tumble or fall down.
I have seen them pull my sleeves and remind me whenever any success was about to enter my head…
I have seen them offer their shoulders in my miseries and make me laugh…and cry themselves over it later.
I have seen them tease me for every little thing…which in a way made me correct thousands of my mistakes .
Now that I realize, my college life has almost come to an end………………
there is just one thought preoccupying my mind……………………………….
I stepped into this campus wid fear in my heart and tears in my eyes for leaving behind my cocoon and stepping into a totally new domain...
And today when I stand on the threshold of the world which once appeard so alien,I again feel the same fear and my eyes are yet again filled wid tears for leaving behind this place that has now become a second home for me..just the pain of departing would be far more than it had been four years back.

a tribute to all mothers of the world...

When god realized that he could not always stay by the side of each one of us, he created mothers.
Since then the entire world became appallingly dependent upon this divine figure.
She is like the unseen pillar which is there behind us to prevent us from tumbling.
She is there by our sides through all the evens and odds of our lives.
She is there to correct us when we make mistakes.
She praises us for every little achievement, which might go unnoticed by the rest of the world.
She is there to support us when we stumble even on the most petite pebbles to patch our wounds.
She is there to feed us with our favorite dishes and also bear our tantrums when we do not want to eat.
She is there to lend an ear to the silliest chit-chats we have to blab and listens to them as if they were the most interesting issues to bother leaving behind all the other important tasks she may have to complete.
She is the strongest person by our side when we are in agony and never lets us get a hint of what she herself might be going through.
We may not want to share all our secrets when we grow up, but to your surprise, she already knows most of it just by having a glance at our faces.

Even if we put together all the words and phrases from the best of dictionaries of the world, they cannot reflect the tremendous love, affection and blessings that they shower upon us ,every moment of our lives.

We can never give them any gift that can suffice the innumerable sacrifices that our mothers make right from the day we are born and the hardships that they face in bringing us up as a person that the world looks up to .

So, Here is a small request for all of my friends on this mothers’ day. I hope all of you will agree and abide by it always.

We always quote that our mothers are our best friends. And they definitely remain so throughout their lives. But how many of us keep up to our part of this relationship???
As we grow up and enter the world of adults, get married, have our own families to deal with, there are times when we get engrossed with the tasks around us to an extent when we do not even have time to sit beside our mothers and share a little talk.
We tend to find excuses when she calls to share some of her problems which she might be facing as the consequences of aging or maybe just to do away with her loneliness.
That is the time when she needs our support and care and just a little attention.
I don’t think that is even the humblest of desires she can put up on behalf of being a mother.

Let us all take a pledge today that however busy we get or however far our work takes us, we will never allow these distances to stand in between our mother and us.

A mother is the most wonderful gift that nature has bestowed upon mankind.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

a TOAST to perfectionists !!!

Since ages people have been taking Perfection to be in the superlative category, but according to my personal apprehension, it belongs undoubtedly to the comparative chain of words. The meaning of this ten letter word not only varies from individual to individual but also has a diverge spectrum when considered with respect to the different activities and situations we come across. Well this was a tiny bit of information that was required for giving a better thought to the discussion further.

Have we ever given a minute and pondered over the fact that, why being a Perfectionist always comes with a negative notion linked to it. Whenever someone is introduced along with the ‘P’ adjective, there are most often only two impressions, either condemn or affright taken for granted without even trying to get a better understanding of the person. No matter how considerate or thoughtful that person might be, all he gets from his colleagues and peer is a speculative look all the time.
This is something which I have been observing since I was to be a toddler. Even back during my school days any teacher who used to be known as a Perfectionist could never win more than terror stricken faces of his/her pupils.
For every such person who has been trying to avert being in the company of a Perfectionist just for the fact that they possess this trait, I have a perfect proposal.
Why not borrow and put yourself in the shoes of one of them and experience the amount of effort these people have to put in for earning this stature. It is not at all easy to be one and you can take my words for that. Let aside the judgements they make for other people, the kind of crusade, (yes that would be the perfect word) their own lives become is definitely not an affair everybody can handle. And frankly speaking, nobody takes up this elusive trait by choice. There is no such individual created by god and who belongs to the human race who would not be interested in leading an unconstrained life full of pleasure .Any Perfectionist you come across, is so , either because they have inherited it or most often the consequences of the over demanding world around them.
Whatsoever be the causes and clauses of their lives, the grace with which they adorn this attribute of theirs is completely amazing. Except for the fact that they can be a little bossy and demanding at times...which comes with their package:D, which definitly can be overlooked with a bit of effort from our side as side effects:D .....
You will never get to see even the slightest pecks of anguish in them for the fact that they have to render so much labor. All they care about and demand from us is a piece of work free from blunders. Any person when subject to such a demand will no doubt work with absolute dedication and come out with his best, so, in a way they are working towards creating better individuals every day. And this is the beauty of the aura of Perfectionists that leaves me spellbound every time I happen to meet one.
There is one more fact for which every one of us must be grateful to them.
Had it not been for these Perfectionists, the transformation that our society has gone through since the Stone Age, the enchantment and charisma of the innumerable pleasures and amenities that we have today would not have been as splendid as they truly are.
So here I am, raising a TOAST to all PERFECTIONISTS for the hardwork they do to make this world a perfect place to live !!! CHEERS.....

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I would have if I could have .....

All of us have innumerable aspirations and dreams to chase and live for right from the days since we start to perceive our existence. There might not be any such individual who did not have the childhood fantasies of becoming somebody notable in the society or to do something significant which would add an illustrious feather to their families’ pride. Each day as we come across various acquaintances, be it through any media, these fantasies keep tumbling from one stream of life to another.
This is a special gift given to the human brain and it happens to be uniform amongst all, irrespective of any discrepancies. And that, is the ability to dream. In fact, mankind has been presented with such a peculiar combination of grey matter , that he never ever quits dreaming even in the worst of situations. It might sound something like a lesson from those motivational scripts, but honestly speaking, it is the only the power of thoughts and innovations that could bring the world together after the massive world wars and grave natural calamities.
So, now I guess, we clearly realize how addicted the human race is with this habit of dreaming.
But there certainly is one major issue which often keeps a majority of us from chasing our fantasies with utmost dedication. That happens to be ‘ the rules of real world’. This is one issue that has been troubling the youth of our country forever.
According to a census, almost 80-85 percent people fall prey in the hands of realism and quit from their lifelong aspirations by naming their dreams as fancies.
Once we begin to compromise in life with whatever comes our way, as life gives us and start taking the most sensitive issues related to our future practically as suggested by the experienced mass of the society;
We might drag ourselves to some other faculties which are popularly recognized as the elite and productive and get settled in life,
We might also be tagged by the society as successful individuals.
If we take this step, the guilt of our unfulfilled ambitions gets etched onto our minds with the heaviest 7 words…..
“ I would have if I could have”
And then we have to carry the burden with us throughout our lifetime.
But even after going through all this and well aware of the fact that I have not found the solution to this big fat question mark;
my mind still wants to fly away and wander in the wonderlands of my favorite fantasies. That my friends, is the charm of being born with a human mind. It never quits. It always keeps hoping that the best is yet to come.
So WHAT THE HECK??? we may have to forgo some of our dreams for a while, but we must always make an effort and try not to widen this gap. The small cracks that we have to face in order to start making a living, we must try to bring back the zeal with which we used to keep daydreaming about our aspirations in the yesteryears and keep working on them.
Towards the end, who knows, we may end up achieving what we always wanted out of life.
It is totally worth giving a shot !!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

a LETTER to my BRAIN...

Hey buddy,
I am pretty sure life cud not have been better for you since the last four years. I know you must be dying to thank me for taking up this course called Bachelor of Technology or more famously, (well to be honest infamously) cited as ‘Engineering’. Yes , I can totally infer the reason for your extreme happiness and very modestly accept your thankfulness.
I know you have had all the time in this world, but I do have some reasonable complaints to make about your code of conduct lately.

The foremost and the biggest query that has been lingering over my mind is that why are you so into getting yourself tagged in the album called “ EMPTY MIND IS A DEVIL’S WORKSHOP ”.
I had been quite reasonable and understanding in opting such a serene future for you with the minimum measure of workload to be taken. And at least I surely can expect a pretty much better response from your end.
On the contrary, you have not left any string unwound or any step undone in climbing up the pinnacle of utmost mischief.
There has not been a single day when you have left me alone without bothering me with the innumerable flashbacks of whatever events that have been occurring around. Adding further to my agony, you keep pestering me over and over again with the pros and cons of what might be the aftereffects of all the decisions that I take. You keep haunting me each night and even during the daytime while I am trying to take even the tiniest of naps.
I have to admit that this semester has been kind of supportive enough in providing us umpteen time to sleep but all thanks to you and your mischievous habit of running through every loophole possible which leave my poor neurons all worked up.
Each decision I take, be it big or small, why cant you be considerate enough in backing me by leaving me alone and allowing me to grab some decent amount of rest which is a necessity for the human body to functioning soundly.
Every word I speak, every conversation I make, in fact even the movies that I watch have to come back to me while I am trying to sleep in the most inconvenient way possible and the most unreasonable characters being replaced by you. To be more precise, all the situations that I might have tried to avoid getting into have to be given back to me as a goodnight present by my dear brain and that too in the most exaggerated form ever.

I hereby request you to kindly take up this issue seriously and work upon improvising your code of conduct asap. Its high time now that I have been bearing your brutal behavior because I am looking forward to spending the rest of this semester peacefully.

All I want to say in the end is you better stop being so restless all the time.

Puhleeeeeezz dear brain, STOP THINKING SO MUCH AND LET ME SLEEP !!!

Your frantic friend

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

BEST FRIENDS are better than boyfriends

Another so-called most romantic month of the year is about to bid goodbye without getting me to any new stand on the one issue that has been bothering me forever.
But I do not intend to channel your attention towards any of my dilemmas anymore,
Since I am no more dubious on one fact now………..
That …..
Now there are innumerable reasons to support my belief but I would like to illucidate some of the most vulnerable components in any individual’s life.
You need to be really honest with yourself before you go ahead and commence the judgement.

CLAUSE 1: There are loads of secrets obscured within all of us, can you actually share “ALL” your secrets with your boyfriend without giving a second thought to it, even though you are dying to spill it out. On the other hand when it comes to your best friends, be the secret huge or petite you do not even have to wink before blabbering them out in front of your best friends.

CLAUSE 2: Your boyfriend might be there in times of need, ready to help you out, agreed.
But best friends…best friends will be there always when you need them and even when you don’t need them. They keep bothering you 24X7 without even realizing the extent to which they are annoying you. But, isn’t that gesture of your buddies what makes them special.

CLAUSE 3: When you have a fight with your boyfriend, it might become a super baffling and expensive affair to get over with it, the reason being that you have to hunt for the apt words and the right moment plus the best gifts you could lay your hands on which almost empties your pocket.

On the contrary, even the biggest fights you have with your best friends can be done over with your favourite slangs(beep…beep…beep) or a punch followed by just one simple line…”ab jaane bhi de yaar” and the most stupid smile in the world.

CLAUSE 4: There are matters or certain topics which annoy you the most.
So be it to show their commitment or respecting the feelings of their better halves, almost all boyfriends would not bother their partners with any of those again, once they get to know.
Well, when it comes to the naughty little monsters prevailing in our lives, don’t even think of committing the mistake of telling them any of these. And if you have tried doing so, I am sure you must have got a well enough dose of the unending teases and leg-pulling sessions. Ufff!!!...god forbid… 
But that is what makes these naughty monsters the sweetest blessing that god bestowed upon our lives.

CLAUSE 5: If we fast forward our lives, say 10 years from now, to a situation when it comes to meeting your “once upon a time” boyfriend, you would better detain yourself from going ahead and giving a warm hug. All you would have to do with, is a formal hello.
But imagine meeting any of your best friends , even if you want to , you will never be able to restrain yourself from giving a tight hug, followed by the endless chat sessions complimented with a steaming mug of coffee.

CLAUSE 6: Well in this clause there is not even a chance of comparison left over. The best friends score totally over the boyfriend category when it comes to covering up your lies in front of your parents, brothers, sisters, or anyone for that matter. Sorry to say but this is one matter where boyfriends can never be of any help at all.

The best friends have got far more pros and even more cons but still they are one of those best things that ever happened to you in your life. You might go a day or two without the “I LOVE YOU SWEETHEART” of your boyfriend but will not be able to even go a step ahead without the BLEEPS from your best friends.

Henceforth, the decision goes completely in the favour of “best friends”.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

14th February...still substantive???

As we enter the month of February, people say that they can hear the love bells ringing loud and clear. But every year as this month approaches it leaves me pondering really hard on one question over and over.
True love…relationships, do they truly exist?
To be honest, with the passage of every single day, life has been conspiring and adding to my dilemma all the more.

The world is a stage where we meet different people in different phases of life.
At every phase we possess a distinct mind-set. And according to that mind-set we tend to make alliances.
Later on for some, these friendships might grow and progress to be called relationships.
But as we move on and get over that particular phase of life, we realize that the height of the emotion meter has probably gone lower than it had been for the past span of our existence. And that marks the end of the relationship, or in the generation next lingo we can call it ‘break-up’. This has become a chapter, though tiny, in the story of almost every individual these days.
Today the entire world has gone so practical, that the word ‘love’ has probably lost its meaning. It has almost ceased to exist, literally.
Relationships might still be there, but they have definitely acquired a much curtailed version.
(I would like to make a point here that I am not talking about the kins or cognate relations.)

Any person looking for long term relationships or true love here, in the world of pragmatic individuals, is either termed as a passé or a big fat fool. The statutory warning follows that he or she would be amongst the gullible bunch in the crowd.

Earth has revolved into an era where there is no room for genuine spirits and flavors any longer. We have to keep rolling along with the clock and have ourselves updated to the latest trends and technologies. People have time to match their shoes, accessories, hairstyle and even nailpaints with their attire everyday, but nobody even cares to stop by and pass a modest smile to a person in need, let aside sitting by and sharing a few words of concern.

Even the movies and the songs of today, totally personify what the masses have become. They are flooded with more of drama and action and least significant specks of emotions. The day is not quite far when the word emotion might probably be found only in the smileys of our cellphones and chat messengers.

Have the sweet smiles and true gestures really lost their charm in the twenty first century.
Have the candy flavors and rainbow colors of life actually ceased to exist.

Leaving aside the so called ‘in’ drift of boyfriend/girlfriend crap which all of us have had quite enough I assume, I revert to my query again.

Will I ever be able to witness what was once upon a time addressed as pure love that is not bound by rules and regulations of the furious world, which will stand by me when the entire world goes against, hold my hand when I am afraid ,just to assure that I am not alone, lend me an ear when nobody cares to listen what I have to say, fight for me when I have no arguments left ,help me find a solution when I’m stuck with a hard decision and walk with me through this difficult journey called “LIFE”.

Monday, January 24, 2011

my visit to a BANK...

It seems life is totally into giving me some really tough experiences these days. Although today was my second visit to the terrific world of Indian Government’s
Bank services(would prefer leaving out the name of the bank here to avoid any legal controversies :D), I realized that my patience level had yet not reached the scale required to handle this bizarre world.

All thanks to my friend Navdeep without “exclusive” whose support and cooperation I would never have been able to go through this exciting journey.
Well actually it was due to some speculative decision of hers which gave us the opportunity to get a feel of this interesting site. LOLzzz

I have quite candid memories of my very first visit to a bank as well.

All thanks to the splendid ATM machines and their defects which helped me get a feel of this significant creation of mankind to help them out in managing the green bills.
The two visits to this domain were in two different states. The first one was in my hometown and the second in the place located near our college premises.
Although the two places are far apart in all aspects, former being in a capital city while the latter in almost near to a village, I did not find much of a difference in the environs of the banks located at these locations.
So without making this introduction rather too boring let me move on to the exquisite details of the fantabulous Indian Government’s Bank services.

The foremost thing you would notice when you enter a bank is ample number of counters each with a long queue of people. Every individual standing in these queues wears an expression of either a killer ready to stab the person sitting behind the table if given a chance by God’s grace, or of the most frustrated being with all the world’s burden on his or her shoulders.
Most often and a large majority is of the second category,if standing on the Indian terrain.
Moving on to the other important observation which I made while myself falling prey to this category of people and waiting in the queue was, there is a cash counter which has this machine to count the number of notes and put them into bundles of the specified count. Although the machine is in a perfectly good condition and I hope would be giving the correct count, the person sitting on the counter counts the notes again to clarify and avoid any mistakes. Now this should give every Indian an opportunity to boast upon the fact that we have one of the most hardworking and dedicated crew working for us and our money is definitely in safe hands.
I would not like to miss onto one of the most important persons in the arena, the Peon. Honestly speaking, if it was not for him, most of our works would not have been on or say a little over the time. Even though he makes the worst of blunders of confusing a person named “Jawahar Singh” as “Gawar Singh”, he is the one and only person whom you can look forward to for any help. And most of the times he is helpful enough to get your work done within hours which might otherwise had taken days, or even months.
The last thing which I observed there would be counted as a feelgood factor for many of us, including myself;
Out of all the people standing there in the expanse, almost 50 percent people are unaware and are not very acquainted with the procedures and operations of the proceedings of a bank.
So next time you have to visit this workplace, which might be the first visit for some, I hope this information helps or or to the least it would definitely help you keep your calm.

And in the end,all I would like to say is “NO OFFENCE PLEASE!!!”.

But I could not keep myself from sharing the go-throughs of my extremely wonderful visit to this super place.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Yes its true...there does exist a heaven on our very own planet earth. Or should I correct my statement by changing it to the past tense. Well I leave that upon you until you reach the end of this article…

I have never been to this paradise. But I have heard its name time and again from my father. He goes all praise for the magnificent beauty which nature has bestowed upon this piece of land situated in the foot of Himalayas.

Kashmir…its not just any other hillstation. The charm of this divine abode has been attracting travellers right from the mughal times. The very famous Dal lake, the ravishing valleys lapped by the silver stream of Jhelum and its tributaries, picturesque houseboats, the heart of Kashmir; Gulmarg, the charming gardens with dozens of delicious apples and the list is boundless literally. Even the recitation of the allure of this Eden is beyond the powers of any spectator.

Why then is such a divine gift from the almighty to the human race being fought upon?
Why is this heavenly kingdom which should have been praised by mankind been reduced to a mere piece of land…
Such a land which only reminds every person today of disputes and conspiracies.
The scenario of Kashmir at date really leaves me wondering.
Is it the greed of mankind that has grown to such a limit or the morale which has gone down to an abyss.
Every other day the newspapers are painted with rise in the degree of atrocities with which the beauty of this paradise is being strangled.

Each one of us irrespective of our religions pray to the superpower that rules us, to grant a place in his heaven which actually nobody has witnessed, after we die.
What about this present which already has been blessed upon mankind to witness…feel and enjoy. Instead of being thankful to God for such a glorious gift, everyone is engrossed in gratifying their own demands.
Is the official possession all that holds important. If we cannot adore the glory of this heavenly paradise, at least just let it be.

The land of Kashmir still awaits the advent of that auspicious day. The day when the buds wont shy away from blooming, the day when the innocent souls living there will no longer be surrounded by arms and militants, the day when we would be able to witness and hear cute and chirpy laughter of children instead of bewilderment.
The day when not only the Indians but the entire world will stand by its side to protect this nirvana from the devils trying to rob away its glory.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


The pyramid of final year responsibilities had started taking shape during the days of our last summer vacations of the college life itself, most of which was spent completing our internships. I must admit the training did  commence with us stepping into the respective companies or institutes with bags which possessed some pens and notebooks  in them. The few initial days were definitely spent gathering knowledge and taking ‘ interest’ in the industrial environment which was a totally new experience for most of us. But then as the days passed and we substanciated that we had to spend 8 weeks(conditions applied ;))under the same modus operandi, the bags started shrinking for the writing material, the tea breaks which earlier used to witness budding entrepreneurs soon enough got a taste of pakka engineers  and the after hours which were spent revising the on job training tutorials were being purposefully invested in the shopping complexes and food joints .Finally after going through all this rigour, we did endure our summer internship successfully.

Then came the first day of our final year quest. We stepped into the campus all stuffed with the enormous feelings of “the seniormost students” in campus. Somewhere   though,in the nook of our minds loaded with numerous querries related to ,the most important target now to be for us “placements”.
The 7th semester henceforth began with the bash of friendship day party, moving further to one of the most awaited intracollege fests “Engineers’ Day”, and  of course the diwali break after strugging our ways out of the two, now not so important aspects of our lives “midterms”.
Vacations ended and slowly we fourth yearites began to get a feel of the scheduled final year blues coming our way.
The notice board had already started heating up the environment for us.
These few words were enough  to give those butterflies in the stomach and warm up the environment for the fourth yearites.
The subject of these notices kept changing and everytime giving new jhatkas to us especially the deadline factor I would say. 

Well that is so much like engineering grads…so no regrets
All’s well that ends well and it does work out, to end well for the students and if by any chance it doesn’t, we can always make it happen.
Yes I am definitely obliged to this system of graduation called engineering which has made every individual who belongs to it…masters in the art of slogging.
And with this potent weapon in our hands we got through with another one of our semesters.

But  this time it did not have to end here. There was this goliath called “PLACEMENTS” awaiting us with open arms.

When the entire college campus was in a festive mood for Christmas and New Year preparing to take the first flight back home, we, the final year people were gearing up to take another and the most crucial challenge of our lives, head on.
The placement season began with the so-called ‘personality development’ workshop , courtesy one of the companies, where we ended up making paper t-shirts and playing the pipe and marble game. Well we were being imparted the values of team work.
The fight started with the well known names belonging to the Indian as well as global IT zone coming to our campus one by one.
  Soon enough most of the students were able to grab a place for them in one or the other troupes.
By the time the earth was going to enter the new revolution cycle and after a few days eventually, most of the 4th year students had been successful in securing a job for themselves.

Hence began the 8th  and the last semester of our college life with a bash of joy and excitement. 

This entire experience did leave me with a lifetime conclusion and that I would carry with me forever…..
Everything turns out to be fine by the end…if it does not, then that is not the end…PICTURE ABHI BAKI HAI MERE DOST!!!
And another one...the most important...ENGINEERS ROCK!!! 

Monday, January 10, 2011


Pulsators is the name given to a bunch of  highly, in fact I wont be exaggerating even if I quote them as ‘OVER’ enthusiastic, funny and amusingly peculiar people persuing engineering at present. This species happens to be one of the most  baffled ones and definitely one of their kind existing on the planet earth. The current location of this group is at laxmangarh.

This must  be considered as a warning from me that these days they are busy plotting plans of moving out and having fun which can be rather dangerous for the society.
The  threat is not only to the people around but also to the various monuments and public places.
Reason being that once they visit a place, the concerned domain gets so attached, addicted would be a better word, with them that it becomes  awefully difficult to let them go.

Now you might be wondering how do I know so much about the pulsators??
Well to be very frank I fell into the trap of these pulsators some three years back and now it has become so hard to even imagine my life without these bunch of idiots.
And I have to admit that now I am as well an inseparable component  of this  peculiar species.
I honestly don’t know how am I going to move on in my life some months from now.
These amazing creatures which are formally designated as ‘friends’ have helped me become what I am today. They taught me the true worth of the words like caring, helping, sharing, and not to miss out…teasing…which used to be just vocabulary for me before I stepped into their arena.

The memories of the times spent together have been etched deep enough in the minds and hearts of each of the pulsators for time to erase them.
The late night chats, the fights over Maggie, bluff games, DJ parties, the birthday bumps in the mud pools of college streets and the innumerable and never ending photo sessions will always be there in my psyche as the most cherished part of my life.

After going through this detailed description of this species, I think the readers must have got a fair enough idea of the extent of risk it is to meet them even once in your lifetime.
Once they are in…they are in…there is nothing stopping them in grabbing this huge space in your hearts.

So  people………                BEWARE !!!!!  

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Vote for me now!

“What a piece of work man is!!! How noble in reason… how infinite in faculty; in form and moving how express and admirable! …In action how like an angel…In apprenhension how like a god” –William Shakespeare. 
Each one of us is the most beautiful and extra-ordinary work of the almighty. Every human being has been created with a cause. All we need to do is to peep within ourselves and find out the task that has been assigned to us.
Well, this is no philosophy lesson I tend to impart here. It is a fact of which every one is aware and if by any chance is not, its high time you were told this. So,let us discover the real “you”…

We all posess  a whole lot of characteristics and surely some exceptional traits in us which make us different from the others. Each individual is different and has  every right to stand out in the crowd. But the biggest question which staggers is …why then is it only some of us or in fact not even a handful who are competent enough make a mark….to be called “someone that counts”???
The answer to this lies in the acceptance of the most fundamental truth that….it is only this handful who acknowledge their gifts and utilize them with joy, pride and an honest devotion.

Human beings have this (I must emphasize) very awful tendency of delving into the lives of others. They love spending time counting upon the qualities which have been bestowed upon their counterparts instead of realising the value of ‘their own potentials.’
All of us tend to ignore the gifts, talents, achievements, successes and good works  which compose our “SELF IMAGE.” To begin with …
You have a name that belongs to one and only person , ‘you’…”THAT COUNTS”. So strive hard enough to keep up the honour and respect that this name is entitled to.

The  family which holds to your very existence….”THAT COUNTS”. Be proud to introduce yourself as a part of it even if you belong to the most modest background  and never  shy away from the responsibilities you owe to them.

Your  group of friends who have stood by your side through the dark and bright days of your life…...”THAT COUNTS”. Friends play a major role in shaping and enhancing the real ‘you’. Reach out to them whenever you need advice to make an important decision or when they need yours, for, they’ll always be there for you and certainly do not forget to be there for them.  

You have enough strengths, talents and good attributes….”THAT COUNTS”. Always focus on your potentials instead of your limitations. It would always be the potentials you count upon  which would steer you towards your destiny and never the latter.

The dreams which you have had all these years…..”DEFINITELY COUNT”. Never  ever give up upon them. Think big, dream many dreams and dream them big. For , its only those who have many big dreams, at least make some of them come true.

So, begin to live now, and stop just existing. Start digging deep inside yourself and unravel the mysteries that have always been there within you but  have lied unknown. And do not forget to keep a count of the presents which you have been blessed with, because they would be the stepping stones in your journey of making thou self “SOMEONE THAT COUNTS”…       


Vote for me now!

Remember this phrase??...Does it remind you of something??... I am sure most of you must have retraced the movie “3 idiots” from your cluster of grey cells by now.
It was not only the circumstance of Farhaan, where the father decides “mera beta engineer banega ” even before the child  opens  his eyes to witness the sunshine or feel the first raindrops; the story of Farhaan  depicts the fate of many students today.
Most of the crew aboard on the so-called generation next cruise suffer  from the malfunction of “UNFULFILLED DREAMS”.
 Be it the need of the rat-race hour or the pressure from our parents, we have to succumb to the situation and forgo our beautiful childhood aspirations in the hands of reality.

Every year with the advent of the 10th board result, begins the tragic saga of a large majority of students of our country. This is the very first checkpoint of our “well-designed” education system which creates divisions in every peer group as follows…
·         90% & above-science stream
·         75 to 85%-arts
·         Rest-commerce

What-so-ever be our ambitions or dreams, the sections have already been designed by our forefathers and the tradition hence continues.
The decision therefore has been taken even before we realise, and the only option left with us, is to stop cribbing and get to work as soon as possible.

It definitely takes some time for most of us to accept the situation but finally we relinquish and as time passes we learn to slog. With low but surely some spirits left within us we take up this challenge and start the journey of “no excellence, only gain”. The one and only mission leftover in our lives is then to  gain marks and end up doing a job which helps us fulfill not only the basic necessities of life(roti,kapda aur makaan) but also to keep up to the standards of the high society be it on the cost of our lifelong happiness. 
This again categorises the youth into two broad sections…
The certain proportion of youngsters who are not able to cope up and find suicide as their respite.
While there is this  another   group who certainly do not take up any such drastic measures and keep carrying the burden. But after a certain extent, even their conscience starts begging for the permission of euthanasia.

Hence the biggest question still remains unanswered…..
When are we…..the coolest tagged generation of all times going to make “THE BIG GESTURE???”…

And when finally will we throw down the gauntlet upon these  age old traditions so that we get back the freedom to spread out our wings and fly….