Saturday, May 14, 2011

a tribute to all mothers of the world...

When god realized that he could not always stay by the side of each one of us, he created mothers.
Since then the entire world became appallingly dependent upon this divine figure.
She is like the unseen pillar which is there behind us to prevent us from tumbling.
She is there by our sides through all the evens and odds of our lives.
She is there to correct us when we make mistakes.
She praises us for every little achievement, which might go unnoticed by the rest of the world.
She is there to support us when we stumble even on the most petite pebbles to patch our wounds.
She is there to feed us with our favorite dishes and also bear our tantrums when we do not want to eat.
She is there to lend an ear to the silliest chit-chats we have to blab and listens to them as if they were the most interesting issues to bother leaving behind all the other important tasks she may have to complete.
She is the strongest person by our side when we are in agony and never lets us get a hint of what she herself might be going through.
We may not want to share all our secrets when we grow up, but to your surprise, she already knows most of it just by having a glance at our faces.

Even if we put together all the words and phrases from the best of dictionaries of the world, they cannot reflect the tremendous love, affection and blessings that they shower upon us ,every moment of our lives.

We can never give them any gift that can suffice the innumerable sacrifices that our mothers make right from the day we are born and the hardships that they face in bringing us up as a person that the world looks up to .

So, Here is a small request for all of my friends on this mothers’ day. I hope all of you will agree and abide by it always.

We always quote that our mothers are our best friends. And they definitely remain so throughout their lives. But how many of us keep up to our part of this relationship???
As we grow up and enter the world of adults, get married, have our own families to deal with, there are times when we get engrossed with the tasks around us to an extent when we do not even have time to sit beside our mothers and share a little talk.
We tend to find excuses when she calls to share some of her problems which she might be facing as the consequences of aging or maybe just to do away with her loneliness.
That is the time when she needs our support and care and just a little attention.
I don’t think that is even the humblest of desires she can put up on behalf of being a mother.

Let us all take a pledge today that however busy we get or however far our work takes us, we will never allow these distances to stand in between our mother and us.

A mother is the most wonderful gift that nature has bestowed upon mankind.


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