Saturday, May 14, 2011

hangover of four years...soon to cease :( :(

I can clearly recall the day of my admission. I was so annoyed at the idea of spending the four golden years of college lyf in an institution situated at a place which could not even be located on the google map.
But as the years passed, I realized the loads of opportunities that this campus has given me which not only helped me overcome my shortcomings but had transformed me overall and become the person today I am, all set to face the intriguing world outside.
I also happened to meet some very wonderful batchmates, teachers and of course the most mystifying bunch of idiots called ‘PULSATORS‘ and life suddenly seemed to develop completely new definitions. These people began grabbing those corners in my heart which had been left vacant for some extraordinary debuts over my lifetime.
The new horizon I was getting into was replete with various ups and downs which I thought I had to go through on my own. But whenever I thought I was standing alone and looked behind, to my surprise there were always these idiots trying their level best to spoil my concentration, teasing and laughing aloud but yet the pillar which never let me tumble or fall down.
I have seen them pull my sleeves and remind me whenever any success was about to enter my head…
I have seen them offer their shoulders in my miseries and make me laugh…and cry themselves over it later.
I have seen them tease me for every little thing…which in a way made me correct thousands of my mistakes .
Now that I realize, my college life has almost come to an end………………
there is just one thought preoccupying my mind……………………………….
I stepped into this campus wid fear in my heart and tears in my eyes for leaving behind my cocoon and stepping into a totally new domain...
And today when I stand on the threshold of the world which once appeard so alien,I again feel the same fear and my eyes are yet again filled wid tears for leaving behind this place that has now become a second home for me..just the pain of departing would be far more than it had been four years back.

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