Wednesday, April 27, 2011

a TOAST to perfectionists !!!

Since ages people have been taking Perfection to be in the superlative category, but according to my personal apprehension, it belongs undoubtedly to the comparative chain of words. The meaning of this ten letter word not only varies from individual to individual but also has a diverge spectrum when considered with respect to the different activities and situations we come across. Well this was a tiny bit of information that was required for giving a better thought to the discussion further.

Have we ever given a minute and pondered over the fact that, why being a Perfectionist always comes with a negative notion linked to it. Whenever someone is introduced along with the ‘P’ adjective, there are most often only two impressions, either condemn or affright taken for granted without even trying to get a better understanding of the person. No matter how considerate or thoughtful that person might be, all he gets from his colleagues and peer is a speculative look all the time.
This is something which I have been observing since I was to be a toddler. Even back during my school days any teacher who used to be known as a Perfectionist could never win more than terror stricken faces of his/her pupils.
For every such person who has been trying to avert being in the company of a Perfectionist just for the fact that they possess this trait, I have a perfect proposal.
Why not borrow and put yourself in the shoes of one of them and experience the amount of effort these people have to put in for earning this stature. It is not at all easy to be one and you can take my words for that. Let aside the judgements they make for other people, the kind of crusade, (yes that would be the perfect word) their own lives become is definitely not an affair everybody can handle. And frankly speaking, nobody takes up this elusive trait by choice. There is no such individual created by god and who belongs to the human race who would not be interested in leading an unconstrained life full of pleasure .Any Perfectionist you come across, is so , either because they have inherited it or most often the consequences of the over demanding world around them.
Whatsoever be the causes and clauses of their lives, the grace with which they adorn this attribute of theirs is completely amazing. Except for the fact that they can be a little bossy and demanding at times...which comes with their package:D, which definitly can be overlooked with a bit of effort from our side as side effects:D .....
You will never get to see even the slightest pecks of anguish in them for the fact that they have to render so much labor. All they care about and demand from us is a piece of work free from blunders. Any person when subject to such a demand will no doubt work with absolute dedication and come out with his best, so, in a way they are working towards creating better individuals every day. And this is the beauty of the aura of Perfectionists that leaves me spellbound every time I happen to meet one.
There is one more fact for which every one of us must be grateful to them.
Had it not been for these Perfectionists, the transformation that our society has gone through since the Stone Age, the enchantment and charisma of the innumerable pleasures and amenities that we have today would not have been as splendid as they truly are.
So here I am, raising a TOAST to all PERFECTIONISTS for the hardwork they do to make this world a perfect place to live !!! CHEERS.....

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