Sunday, April 17, 2011

I would have if I could have .....

All of us have innumerable aspirations and dreams to chase and live for right from the days since we start to perceive our existence. There might not be any such individual who did not have the childhood fantasies of becoming somebody notable in the society or to do something significant which would add an illustrious feather to their families’ pride. Each day as we come across various acquaintances, be it through any media, these fantasies keep tumbling from one stream of life to another.
This is a special gift given to the human brain and it happens to be uniform amongst all, irrespective of any discrepancies. And that, is the ability to dream. In fact, mankind has been presented with such a peculiar combination of grey matter , that he never ever quits dreaming even in the worst of situations. It might sound something like a lesson from those motivational scripts, but honestly speaking, it is the only the power of thoughts and innovations that could bring the world together after the massive world wars and grave natural calamities.
So, now I guess, we clearly realize how addicted the human race is with this habit of dreaming.
But there certainly is one major issue which often keeps a majority of us from chasing our fantasies with utmost dedication. That happens to be ‘ the rules of real world’. This is one issue that has been troubling the youth of our country forever.
According to a census, almost 80-85 percent people fall prey in the hands of realism and quit from their lifelong aspirations by naming their dreams as fancies.
Once we begin to compromise in life with whatever comes our way, as life gives us and start taking the most sensitive issues related to our future practically as suggested by the experienced mass of the society;
We might drag ourselves to some other faculties which are popularly recognized as the elite and productive and get settled in life,
We might also be tagged by the society as successful individuals.
If we take this step, the guilt of our unfulfilled ambitions gets etched onto our minds with the heaviest 7 words…..
“ I would have if I could have”
And then we have to carry the burden with us throughout our lifetime.
But even after going through all this and well aware of the fact that I have not found the solution to this big fat question mark;
my mind still wants to fly away and wander in the wonderlands of my favorite fantasies. That my friends, is the charm of being born with a human mind. It never quits. It always keeps hoping that the best is yet to come.
So WHAT THE HECK??? we may have to forgo some of our dreams for a while, but we must always make an effort and try not to widen this gap. The small cracks that we have to face in order to start making a living, we must try to bring back the zeal with which we used to keep daydreaming about our aspirations in the yesteryears and keep working on them.
Towards the end, who knows, we may end up achieving what we always wanted out of life.
It is totally worth giving a shot !!!

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