Monday, February 28, 2011

a LETTER to my BRAIN...

Hey buddy,
I am pretty sure life cud not have been better for you since the last four years. I know you must be dying to thank me for taking up this course called Bachelor of Technology or more famously, (well to be honest infamously) cited as ‘Engineering’. Yes , I can totally infer the reason for your extreme happiness and very modestly accept your thankfulness.
I know you have had all the time in this world, but I do have some reasonable complaints to make about your code of conduct lately.

The foremost and the biggest query that has been lingering over my mind is that why are you so into getting yourself tagged in the album called “ EMPTY MIND IS A DEVIL’S WORKSHOP ”.
I had been quite reasonable and understanding in opting such a serene future for you with the minimum measure of workload to be taken. And at least I surely can expect a pretty much better response from your end.
On the contrary, you have not left any string unwound or any step undone in climbing up the pinnacle of utmost mischief.
There has not been a single day when you have left me alone without bothering me with the innumerable flashbacks of whatever events that have been occurring around. Adding further to my agony, you keep pestering me over and over again with the pros and cons of what might be the aftereffects of all the decisions that I take. You keep haunting me each night and even during the daytime while I am trying to take even the tiniest of naps.
I have to admit that this semester has been kind of supportive enough in providing us umpteen time to sleep but all thanks to you and your mischievous habit of running through every loophole possible which leave my poor neurons all worked up.
Each decision I take, be it big or small, why cant you be considerate enough in backing me by leaving me alone and allowing me to grab some decent amount of rest which is a necessity for the human body to functioning soundly.
Every word I speak, every conversation I make, in fact even the movies that I watch have to come back to me while I am trying to sleep in the most inconvenient way possible and the most unreasonable characters being replaced by you. To be more precise, all the situations that I might have tried to avoid getting into have to be given back to me as a goodnight present by my dear brain and that too in the most exaggerated form ever.

I hereby request you to kindly take up this issue seriously and work upon improvising your code of conduct asap. Its high time now that I have been bearing your brutal behavior because I am looking forward to spending the rest of this semester peacefully.

All I want to say in the end is you better stop being so restless all the time.

Puhleeeeeezz dear brain, STOP THINKING SO MUCH AND LET ME SLEEP !!!

Your frantic friend

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