Saturday, February 5, 2011

14th February...still substantive???

As we enter the month of February, people say that they can hear the love bells ringing loud and clear. But every year as this month approaches it leaves me pondering really hard on one question over and over.
True love…relationships, do they truly exist?
To be honest, with the passage of every single day, life has been conspiring and adding to my dilemma all the more.

The world is a stage where we meet different people in different phases of life.
At every phase we possess a distinct mind-set. And according to that mind-set we tend to make alliances.
Later on for some, these friendships might grow and progress to be called relationships.
But as we move on and get over that particular phase of life, we realize that the height of the emotion meter has probably gone lower than it had been for the past span of our existence. And that marks the end of the relationship, or in the generation next lingo we can call it ‘break-up’. This has become a chapter, though tiny, in the story of almost every individual these days.
Today the entire world has gone so practical, that the word ‘love’ has probably lost its meaning. It has almost ceased to exist, literally.
Relationships might still be there, but they have definitely acquired a much curtailed version.
(I would like to make a point here that I am not talking about the kins or cognate relations.)

Any person looking for long term relationships or true love here, in the world of pragmatic individuals, is either termed as a passé or a big fat fool. The statutory warning follows that he or she would be amongst the gullible bunch in the crowd.

Earth has revolved into an era where there is no room for genuine spirits and flavors any longer. We have to keep rolling along with the clock and have ourselves updated to the latest trends and technologies. People have time to match their shoes, accessories, hairstyle and even nailpaints with their attire everyday, but nobody even cares to stop by and pass a modest smile to a person in need, let aside sitting by and sharing a few words of concern.

Even the movies and the songs of today, totally personify what the masses have become. They are flooded with more of drama and action and least significant specks of emotions. The day is not quite far when the word emotion might probably be found only in the smileys of our cellphones and chat messengers.

Have the sweet smiles and true gestures really lost their charm in the twenty first century.
Have the candy flavors and rainbow colors of life actually ceased to exist.

Leaving aside the so called ‘in’ drift of boyfriend/girlfriend crap which all of us have had quite enough I assume, I revert to my query again.

Will I ever be able to witness what was once upon a time addressed as pure love that is not bound by rules and regulations of the furious world, which will stand by me when the entire world goes against, hold my hand when I am afraid ,just to assure that I am not alone, lend me an ear when nobody cares to listen what I have to say, fight for me when I have no arguments left ,help me find a solution when I’m stuck with a hard decision and walk with me through this difficult journey called “LIFE”.

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