Thursday, June 2, 2011


The  strive  to win and keep winning
The fight to reach the zenith
The realization,
 that universe lies even above
And the quest to conquer  further.
Every day when I come back home
And stand in front of the mirror
The reflection must boast of the victories
Be it feeble faint or freak.
I am not to be counted as subsisting
If I lag behind
I am no longer to be recognized
If  I  join the crowd.
Nothing suffices the esteem
Of the foremost lieu as they say
So why do I even take a chance
And give them an easy play.
Hence here I stand and confess
Though shall it sound crude
The world is nothing more than a court
Where  every soul performs.

Yet the most interesting side that still persists depicts…..that,
The one at the front
Has  little holes in heart
To leak out the chances,
of flakes of luxury and  pleasure.
And the one in the rear
Stays content in the crew
 With specks and tinges
Higher in the priority  queue.


  1. a bit tough to comprehend at this pt f i lyk the way u seemd to gt serious f things in lyf :)

  2. Its nice.. awesome mam.. but shows more of ur concern and worry about new endeavour.. :) nywayz.. ATB... no flaws.. :)
