Sunday, January 9, 2011


Vote for me now!

“What a piece of work man is!!! How noble in reason… how infinite in faculty; in form and moving how express and admirable! …In action how like an angel…In apprenhension how like a god” –William Shakespeare. 
Each one of us is the most beautiful and extra-ordinary work of the almighty. Every human being has been created with a cause. All we need to do is to peep within ourselves and find out the task that has been assigned to us.
Well, this is no philosophy lesson I tend to impart here. It is a fact of which every one is aware and if by any chance is not, its high time you were told this. So,let us discover the real “you”…

We all posess  a whole lot of characteristics and surely some exceptional traits in us which make us different from the others. Each individual is different and has  every right to stand out in the crowd. But the biggest question which staggers is …why then is it only some of us or in fact not even a handful who are competent enough make a mark….to be called “someone that counts”???
The answer to this lies in the acceptance of the most fundamental truth that….it is only this handful who acknowledge their gifts and utilize them with joy, pride and an honest devotion.

Human beings have this (I must emphasize) very awful tendency of delving into the lives of others. They love spending time counting upon the qualities which have been bestowed upon their counterparts instead of realising the value of ‘their own potentials.’
All of us tend to ignore the gifts, talents, achievements, successes and good works  which compose our “SELF IMAGE.” To begin with …
You have a name that belongs to one and only person , ‘you’…”THAT COUNTS”. So strive hard enough to keep up the honour and respect that this name is entitled to.

The  family which holds to your very existence….”THAT COUNTS”. Be proud to introduce yourself as a part of it even if you belong to the most modest background  and never  shy away from the responsibilities you owe to them.

Your  group of friends who have stood by your side through the dark and bright days of your life…...”THAT COUNTS”. Friends play a major role in shaping and enhancing the real ‘you’. Reach out to them whenever you need advice to make an important decision or when they need yours, for, they’ll always be there for you and certainly do not forget to be there for them.  

You have enough strengths, talents and good attributes….”THAT COUNTS”. Always focus on your potentials instead of your limitations. It would always be the potentials you count upon  which would steer you towards your destiny and never the latter.

The dreams which you have had all these years…..”DEFINITELY COUNT”. Never  ever give up upon them. Think big, dream many dreams and dream them big. For , its only those who have many big dreams, at least make some of them come true.

So, begin to live now, and stop just existing. Start digging deep inside yourself and unravel the mysteries that have always been there within you but  have lied unknown. And do not forget to keep a count of the presents which you have been blessed with, because they would be the stepping stones in your journey of making thou self “SOMEONE THAT COUNTS”…       

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