Thursday, June 14, 2012

Paisa...Standing taller

Surrounded amongst the mushy cluster of clouds, when the first ray of the sun, peeps through;
After  the  blazing, long day, as the dusk sets in with a reddish tint;
When that first drop of rain falls on my face and eventually the monsoon breaks;
The sudden appearance of the brilliant vibgyor in the sky;
That tiny little butterfly passing by and the chirpy birds flying high; 
Would Spread the spark of happiness in everyone’s lives.

These lines might sound very idealistic.

One day as  I sat lost in my own world of fantasies, which  to confess happens to be my favorite pastime, my mind suddenly drifted towards the idea of a similar world, a world  where “ Money” did not exist. 
Where nobody had to bother about earning pennies for purchasing the day’s meal.
Where we did not need material pleasures to boost our moods.
Where happiness was not measured on a scale having Rupees imprinted on it.

How different the world would be and what would our lives be like.
What if the green bills did not prevail at all.
Have we  ever thought over it?
The extent to which money has enslaved mankind. 
Right from the day a child is born, the future of that toddler is planned upon by his parents. And as the later stages approach the pressure and decisions start taking a heavier toll on the child himself. During the crucial phases of his life, not only the kid but also the parents lose their sleep over numerous issues. And this is the story of almost all families I would say.

Have we ever given a second in analyzing what is making us do all of it.

What is it for which the fathers have to work all those extra hours, mothers have to sacrifice so many of their dreams and the children have to keep working hard to score that 1 mark to clear the cutoffs.
We may keep trying to convince ourselves by giving a higher stand to feelings , love, emotions and relationships in our lives;
But as we reach the end of each day, every individual knows at the back of his mind, its money that rules our world completely. All our actions, every decision is guided by it.

To begin we can look over a simple instance; 
Today we are actually paying for those basic elements of nature that had been gifted to this planet in plenty, greenery, fresh air, clean drinking water.
The currency first impoverished us with what we already had by God’s grace, the beauty of nature, it ripped off the protective envelop that Mother Nature had been protecting  us with; And now it is making us pay a heavy toll in various forms.

Tsunami, Earthquakes, Flood, Global Warming are nature’s ways of retaliating to the imbalance created by mankind in the race of earning money.
Not only has nature been penalised, but these green bills have cast a grave toll even on the lives of human beings.
Racism, Caste System, Regionalism, Communalism are sour fruits of the seeds sown by money in the hearts of men.
The vast gap between the empty and overflowing pockets have certainly succeeded in stealing away the peace from this planet.

I wish the sublime world  that flashed through my thoughts was not merely a dream.
I wish we were free to make choices  that are not bound by some mode of exchange.
Still wondering would we ever come out of this vicious circle created by the currency around us.

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