Sunday, May 20, 2012

HEAR them PLAY !!!

Since childhood we are taught to try being an all-rounder. Every child’s tiny brain is fed with the lesson in almost each and every academic institution of the country to come out of his cocoon and excel in not only studies but extracurricular activities as well.

It’s good to see the reality shows being aired on television that are providing an apt platform for the kids who have the talent to dance and sing.
It  displays how the mentality of the people in the country has changed and the parents today are not only  pestering their kids to get perfect grade cards but are completely in support to help the young talents  bud into a beautiful flower.
But what about the faculty that holds the primary position in the list of extracurricular activities since ages. I hope the hint gives a rough estimate that I am trying to elucidate on sports.
It astounds me whenever we Indians come across this 5 letter word, why is it that the only game flashing through our minds is only Cricket.
Before putting forth any further thoughts I would like to clarify that I am completely not a non-supporter of this sport. It’s an excellent game and is no doubt worshipped in the country.
But does that make the other sports less important.
Does that make the talent of the other sportsmen of our country any feebler?
Is there any valid reason we can put forward why a child who has the knack to play is pushed only towards cricket and not any other sport.
From a parent’s point of view the reason is quite obvious and very well known to all of us.
But what reason does the Government have, or the better word would be excuse for neglecting the other sports and sportsmen of the nation. Why is it that the only names of the sportsmen coming to any Indian’s mind would be that of a cricketer.

 Hockey happens to be our national sport. Well,  I wonder how many children would answer that question correctly today.
I will not blame the cricketers here. Their job is to play and that is what they have been doing all along. But the responsibility of bringing forth and promoting the other games and individuals who have been working hard to get laurels to the nation’s name, lies completely in the hands of the rule makers of the country.      
The only question I want to put up here is:
If the country has enough funds to support such huge leagues for one sport, why not at least provide a secured livelihood to the players and their families who have been sweating throughout their lives for sports like hockey, chess, athletics, kabaddi, wrestling and the list can go on.
How can we let such legends die penniless, in some anonymous nook or compel them to come to a situation where they have to sell those medals that once added golden feathers in the country’s crown, just for the sake of a day’s meal.
If we someday go out and dig the barren lands of this nation, it would scream out hundreds of those unsung sagas which deserve at least the attention of the people of India.
Some efforts have come forward from the film industry like “Pan Singh Tomar”  which should act as an eye-opener for our constitution makers. But I am afraid whether it will even move a hair on their heads.
Where has the “Unity in Diversity” slogan been lost over the years.
I hope someday the country will understand the true meaning behind this thought and grant our lost heroes the respect and honour they are worthy of.

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