Thursday, August 23, 2012

Diary Entry of a newbie 'IT'ian GROWING OLD .....

As they say, the classrooms have been replaced by Bays, benches by workstations, roll numbers by employee IDs, shabby Canteens by posh Cafeterias.

And of course I am no longer a student but a resource now, who reports to a superior rather than my class teacher. 
The initial months when I used to be a “NEWBIE ITian”, every trait of the people clad with the ID cards hanging round their necks, to remind you, the famous “Patta”, was despised as hell by me.
I hated the way they smiled fakely at each other, stayed back late to complete some ‘then considered’ wacky code, burnt their lungs out at the smoking stations,  and then again came back every Monday morning to the same messy world.

Barely had I thought during that phase, after getting a year old in this industry I would find myself in a somewhat similar state, well leaving aside the smoking part.
I now have to accept that the IT industry to some extent has been successful in pulling me into the mire.
CAUTION: I might sound offensive but honestly speaking I am simply blabbering out the stuff flashing randomly across my mind.  
Alright, so I will now move on, to explain the division of resources found within the bays.
Every team has a clear partition that carves the two sections of people: the developers and the testers.
Each one is busy pulling the other one’s legs and clearly planting silent bombs into their arenas. But the beauty of a developer-tester relationship cannot be denied by any ITian.
Although their work is to literally falsify the other ones effort, they are a team and in a way support each other willingly or unwillingly.
After the division of labour, I will move to that part of the IT industry that is although desired but most often hated by almost all the people turned resources.
This is the promotion and rating play of the setup that is bombarded upon us, at regular intervals. For most of us it comes as a shock, but there are times when our fate somehow shows sympathy and this dreaded thing brings us some good transition. P.S. (Conditions Applied).
To compensate for these roller-coaster rides in the lives of ITians, we are at times pampered by the parties and outings flooded with alcohol mostly to keep our temper scores within control.
That would be enough for the time being.
Overdose is never advised.
But to point out one last thing, I suddenly realized how all the “THEY’s” of my previous diary entry have turned into “OUR’s”. It leaves me wondering many times, have I been bogged down into this vicious circle as well???

                                        God Forbid!!!


  1. Awesome Read!!!Nice to see pen down your thoughts so well...Your writing is getting better day by day...Keep it up!!!
