Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Did we forget to thank them?

They carry our burdens, stay awake to make sure we sleep safely, clean the mess we create, in fact they help us with all the necessary chores of our lives.

Then how can the society claim them to be “not-so-important” members of the social circles.
This section of the society I am trying to elucidate upon have been labeled as the “Labour Class” in common terms (to name some; our drivers, sweepers,watchmen,maids). They actually help us complete the tasks that are supposed to be done by each individual on their own.
If we take into account the work they do, they should be called the operators of the clan.

Be it any field, we have them around assisting the big shots complete their crucial jobs on time with minimal efforts.
In our fast paced lives we forget to even notice the hard work they put in round the clock to make the elevators of our livelihood run smoothly.
All we bother is to reimburse their labor with cash.
All those people who consider them an inexhaustible resource meant to be exploited and count them equivalent to commodities that can be bought with money,
Here is a humble request for them:
Kindly open your eyes and realize that they are also human beings.
Talk to them at times, pass a smile when you cross past them, try lending a helping hand whenever you are free, share a meal or sit beside them and crack a joke, thank them in your own special way leaving aside the payment affair.

 Neither the growing economic rate of the country nor the Industrialization, falsify the bare truth that it’s difficult to imagine Indian society without these “helping hands”.
They have been and will always be around to assist us manage our own work. Then why consider them as somebodies beneath us. Why have this false feeling of superiority over them.
If the kind of work we do is creating a division amongst the human beings, here is a very important point to be noted.
All these people performing the “lowly” considered jobs, are literally executing the task of scavenging dirt from the environment we inhabit.
It is definitely worth respecting!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Diary Entry of a newbie 'IT'ian GROWING OLD .....

As they say, the classrooms have been replaced by Bays, benches by workstations, roll numbers by employee IDs, shabby Canteens by posh Cafeterias.

And of course I am no longer a student but a resource now, who reports to a superior rather than my class teacher. 
The initial months when I used to be a “NEWBIE ITian”, every trait of the people clad with the ID cards hanging round their necks, to remind you, the famous “Patta”, was despised as hell by me.
I hated the way they smiled fakely at each other, stayed back late to complete some ‘then considered’ wacky code, burnt their lungs out at the smoking stations,  and then again came back every Monday morning to the same messy world.

Barely had I thought during that phase, after getting a year old in this industry I would find myself in a somewhat similar state, well leaving aside the smoking part.
I now have to accept that the IT industry to some extent has been successful in pulling me into the mire.
CAUTION: I might sound offensive but honestly speaking I am simply blabbering out the stuff flashing randomly across my mind.  
Alright, so I will now move on, to explain the division of resources found within the bays.
Every team has a clear partition that carves the two sections of people: the developers and the testers.
Each one is busy pulling the other one’s legs and clearly planting silent bombs into their arenas. But the beauty of a developer-tester relationship cannot be denied by any ITian.
Although their work is to literally falsify the other ones effort, they are a team and in a way support each other willingly or unwillingly.
After the division of labour, I will move to that part of the IT industry that is although desired but most often hated by almost all the people turned resources.
This is the promotion and rating play of the setup that is bombarded upon us, at regular intervals. For most of us it comes as a shock, but there are times when our fate somehow shows sympathy and this dreaded thing brings us some good transition. P.S. (Conditions Applied).
To compensate for these roller-coaster rides in the lives of ITians, we are at times pampered by the parties and outings flooded with alcohol mostly to keep our temper scores within control.
That would be enough for the time being.
Overdose is never advised.
But to point out one last thing, I suddenly realized how all the “THEY’s” of my previous diary entry have turned into “OUR’s”. It leaves me wondering many times, have I been bogged down into this vicious circle as well???

                                        God Forbid!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Paisa...Standing taller

Surrounded amongst the mushy cluster of clouds, when the first ray of the sun, peeps through;
After  the  blazing, long day, as the dusk sets in with a reddish tint;
When that first drop of rain falls on my face and eventually the monsoon breaks;
The sudden appearance of the brilliant vibgyor in the sky;
That tiny little butterfly passing by and the chirpy birds flying high; 
Would Spread the spark of happiness in everyone’s lives.

These lines might sound very idealistic.

One day as  I sat lost in my own world of fantasies, which  to confess happens to be my favorite pastime, my mind suddenly drifted towards the idea of a similar world, a world  where “ Money” did not exist. 
Where nobody had to bother about earning pennies for purchasing the day’s meal.
Where we did not need material pleasures to boost our moods.
Where happiness was not measured on a scale having Rupees imprinted on it.

How different the world would be and what would our lives be like.
What if the green bills did not prevail at all.
Have we  ever thought over it?
The extent to which money has enslaved mankind. 
Right from the day a child is born, the future of that toddler is planned upon by his parents. And as the later stages approach the pressure and decisions start taking a heavier toll on the child himself. During the crucial phases of his life, not only the kid but also the parents lose their sleep over numerous issues. And this is the story of almost all families I would say.

Have we ever given a second in analyzing what is making us do all of it.

What is it for which the fathers have to work all those extra hours, mothers have to sacrifice so many of their dreams and the children have to keep working hard to score that 1 mark to clear the cutoffs.
We may keep trying to convince ourselves by giving a higher stand to feelings , love, emotions and relationships in our lives;
But as we reach the end of each day, every individual knows at the back of his mind, its money that rules our world completely. All our actions, every decision is guided by it.

To begin we can look over a simple instance; 
Today we are actually paying for those basic elements of nature that had been gifted to this planet in plenty, greenery, fresh air, clean drinking water.
The currency first impoverished us with what we already had by God’s grace, the beauty of nature, it ripped off the protective envelop that Mother Nature had been protecting  us with; And now it is making us pay a heavy toll in various forms.

Tsunami, Earthquakes, Flood, Global Warming are nature’s ways of retaliating to the imbalance created by mankind in the race of earning money.
Not only has nature been penalised, but these green bills have cast a grave toll even on the lives of human beings.
Racism, Caste System, Regionalism, Communalism are sour fruits of the seeds sown by money in the hearts of men.
The vast gap between the empty and overflowing pockets have certainly succeeded in stealing away the peace from this planet.

I wish the sublime world  that flashed through my thoughts was not merely a dream.
I wish we were free to make choices  that are not bound by some mode of exchange.
Still wondering would we ever come out of this vicious circle created by the currency around us.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

HEAR them PLAY !!!

Since childhood we are taught to try being an all-rounder. Every child’s tiny brain is fed with the lesson in almost each and every academic institution of the country to come out of his cocoon and excel in not only studies but extracurricular activities as well.

It’s good to see the reality shows being aired on television that are providing an apt platform for the kids who have the talent to dance and sing.
It  displays how the mentality of the people in the country has changed and the parents today are not only  pestering their kids to get perfect grade cards but are completely in support to help the young talents  bud into a beautiful flower.
But what about the faculty that holds the primary position in the list of extracurricular activities since ages. I hope the hint gives a rough estimate that I am trying to elucidate on sports.
It astounds me whenever we Indians come across this 5 letter word, why is it that the only game flashing through our minds is only Cricket.
Before putting forth any further thoughts I would like to clarify that I am completely not a non-supporter of this sport. It’s an excellent game and is no doubt worshipped in the country.
But does that make the other sports less important.
Does that make the talent of the other sportsmen of our country any feebler?
Is there any valid reason we can put forward why a child who has the knack to play is pushed only towards cricket and not any other sport.
From a parent’s point of view the reason is quite obvious and very well known to all of us.
But what reason does the Government have, or the better word would be excuse for neglecting the other sports and sportsmen of the nation. Why is it that the only names of the sportsmen coming to any Indian’s mind would be that of a cricketer.

 Hockey happens to be our national sport. Well,  I wonder how many children would answer that question correctly today.
I will not blame the cricketers here. Their job is to play and that is what they have been doing all along. But the responsibility of bringing forth and promoting the other games and individuals who have been working hard to get laurels to the nation’s name, lies completely in the hands of the rule makers of the country.      
The only question I want to put up here is:
If the country has enough funds to support such huge leagues for one sport, why not at least provide a secured livelihood to the players and their families who have been sweating throughout their lives for sports like hockey, chess, athletics, kabaddi, wrestling and the list can go on.
How can we let such legends die penniless, in some anonymous nook or compel them to come to a situation where they have to sell those medals that once added golden feathers in the country’s crown, just for the sake of a day’s meal.
If we someday go out and dig the barren lands of this nation, it would scream out hundreds of those unsung sagas which deserve at least the attention of the people of India.
Some efforts have come forward from the film industry like “Pan Singh Tomar”  which should act as an eye-opener for our constitution makers. But I am afraid whether it will even move a hair on their heads.
Where has the “Unity in Diversity” slogan been lost over the years.
I hope someday the country will understand the true meaning behind this thought and grant our lost heroes the respect and honour they are worthy of.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Kahani...Indian Cinemas ki!

After  enduring some terribly horrifying shots by Bollywood, Kahani comes as a respite for the viewers who still dare to have faith in Abhinetas.
Director Sujoy Ghosh has wonderfully affirmed that big banners, foreign locations and dominating veterans are not all demanded by the desi janta.
Even a small budget movie shot amidst the core of India can satiate the taste of Bollywood fans. 

The perfect backbone to this peachy plot was provided by Vidya Balan with yet another marvellous solo  performance. After Paa, Ishqiya, No one killed Jessica and Dirty Picture, the actress has once again proved her mettle. She has gracefully conveyed the bare truth that costly wardrobes and item numbers are not the only elements that audience can expect from an actress. 
The myth that a box office hitlist is almost impossible to score without a Khan or other big guns of the industry  supporting an actress has been subtly broken by the lady protagonist of this movie.

No more can the critics claim that a movie within the Bollywood banner cannot be sustained with a solo female lead.

After witnessing such films and brilliant performing actors, the GenX crowd that had  lost hope and drifted towards Hollywood to get recompensed for their expenses, can once again be pulled back to the silver screens of our cities, and this time for something Desi.

I hope the success of movies like Kahani, gets an understanding of the fact to Indian Directors, Actors and the entire Film Industry that  Indian Cinema freaks do not expect some hogwash to gaze, over Popcorn and Coke each month just for the sake.
We would be obliged and quite content with even two such screenplays every year that have more of savory and limited extravagance.   

Monday, February 27, 2012

Going On!!

The morning today might not be as pleasant  
Why not just let the dawn break.

The coffee in my mug may not be so steamy
But I go on and sip it with zeal.

The clock may not tick idyllic hours
Still I let it roll its own way.

The food does not appear so delicious
Well why not gobble it with a gusty savor.

The dusk may not present all goodies
Yet I don’t try curbing the day to end.

The night does not exhibit my sweetest dream
That won’t hold back my fantasy wings.

Life might just not be as perfect..
But at times I let it drift me with its own swings...