Monday, February 28, 2011

a LETTER to my BRAIN...

Hey buddy,
I am pretty sure life cud not have been better for you since the last four years. I know you must be dying to thank me for taking up this course called Bachelor of Technology or more famously, (well to be honest infamously) cited as ‘Engineering’. Yes , I can totally infer the reason for your extreme happiness and very modestly accept your thankfulness.
I know you have had all the time in this world, but I do have some reasonable complaints to make about your code of conduct lately.

The foremost and the biggest query that has been lingering over my mind is that why are you so into getting yourself tagged in the album called “ EMPTY MIND IS A DEVIL’S WORKSHOP ”.
I had been quite reasonable and understanding in opting such a serene future for you with the minimum measure of workload to be taken. And at least I surely can expect a pretty much better response from your end.
On the contrary, you have not left any string unwound or any step undone in climbing up the pinnacle of utmost mischief.
There has not been a single day when you have left me alone without bothering me with the innumerable flashbacks of whatever events that have been occurring around. Adding further to my agony, you keep pestering me over and over again with the pros and cons of what might be the aftereffects of all the decisions that I take. You keep haunting me each night and even during the daytime while I am trying to take even the tiniest of naps.
I have to admit that this semester has been kind of supportive enough in providing us umpteen time to sleep but all thanks to you and your mischievous habit of running through every loophole possible which leave my poor neurons all worked up.
Each decision I take, be it big or small, why cant you be considerate enough in backing me by leaving me alone and allowing me to grab some decent amount of rest which is a necessity for the human body to functioning soundly.
Every word I speak, every conversation I make, in fact even the movies that I watch have to come back to me while I am trying to sleep in the most inconvenient way possible and the most unreasonable characters being replaced by you. To be more precise, all the situations that I might have tried to avoid getting into have to be given back to me as a goodnight present by my dear brain and that too in the most exaggerated form ever.

I hereby request you to kindly take up this issue seriously and work upon improvising your code of conduct asap. Its high time now that I have been bearing your brutal behavior because I am looking forward to spending the rest of this semester peacefully.

All I want to say in the end is you better stop being so restless all the time.

Puhleeeeeezz dear brain, STOP THINKING SO MUCH AND LET ME SLEEP !!!

Your frantic friend

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

BEST FRIENDS are better than boyfriends

Another so-called most romantic month of the year is about to bid goodbye without getting me to any new stand on the one issue that has been bothering me forever.
But I do not intend to channel your attention towards any of my dilemmas anymore,
Since I am no more dubious on one fact now………..
That …..
Now there are innumerable reasons to support my belief but I would like to illucidate some of the most vulnerable components in any individual’s life.
You need to be really honest with yourself before you go ahead and commence the judgement.

CLAUSE 1: There are loads of secrets obscured within all of us, can you actually share “ALL” your secrets with your boyfriend without giving a second thought to it, even though you are dying to spill it out. On the other hand when it comes to your best friends, be the secret huge or petite you do not even have to wink before blabbering them out in front of your best friends.

CLAUSE 2: Your boyfriend might be there in times of need, ready to help you out, agreed.
But best friends…best friends will be there always when you need them and even when you don’t need them. They keep bothering you 24X7 without even realizing the extent to which they are annoying you. But, isn’t that gesture of your buddies what makes them special.

CLAUSE 3: When you have a fight with your boyfriend, it might become a super baffling and expensive affair to get over with it, the reason being that you have to hunt for the apt words and the right moment plus the best gifts you could lay your hands on which almost empties your pocket.

On the contrary, even the biggest fights you have with your best friends can be done over with your favourite slangs(beep…beep…beep) or a punch followed by just one simple line…”ab jaane bhi de yaar” and the most stupid smile in the world.

CLAUSE 4: There are matters or certain topics which annoy you the most.
So be it to show their commitment or respecting the feelings of their better halves, almost all boyfriends would not bother their partners with any of those again, once they get to know.
Well, when it comes to the naughty little monsters prevailing in our lives, don’t even think of committing the mistake of telling them any of these. And if you have tried doing so, I am sure you must have got a well enough dose of the unending teases and leg-pulling sessions. Ufff!!!...god forbid… 
But that is what makes these naughty monsters the sweetest blessing that god bestowed upon our lives.

CLAUSE 5: If we fast forward our lives, say 10 years from now, to a situation when it comes to meeting your “once upon a time” boyfriend, you would better detain yourself from going ahead and giving a warm hug. All you would have to do with, is a formal hello.
But imagine meeting any of your best friends , even if you want to , you will never be able to restrain yourself from giving a tight hug, followed by the endless chat sessions complimented with a steaming mug of coffee.

CLAUSE 6: Well in this clause there is not even a chance of comparison left over. The best friends score totally over the boyfriend category when it comes to covering up your lies in front of your parents, brothers, sisters, or anyone for that matter. Sorry to say but this is one matter where boyfriends can never be of any help at all.

The best friends have got far more pros and even more cons but still they are one of those best things that ever happened to you in your life. You might go a day or two without the “I LOVE YOU SWEETHEART” of your boyfriend but will not be able to even go a step ahead without the BLEEPS from your best friends.

Henceforth, the decision goes completely in the favour of “best friends”.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

14th February...still substantive???

As we enter the month of February, people say that they can hear the love bells ringing loud and clear. But every year as this month approaches it leaves me pondering really hard on one question over and over.
True love…relationships, do they truly exist?
To be honest, with the passage of every single day, life has been conspiring and adding to my dilemma all the more.

The world is a stage where we meet different people in different phases of life.
At every phase we possess a distinct mind-set. And according to that mind-set we tend to make alliances.
Later on for some, these friendships might grow and progress to be called relationships.
But as we move on and get over that particular phase of life, we realize that the height of the emotion meter has probably gone lower than it had been for the past span of our existence. And that marks the end of the relationship, or in the generation next lingo we can call it ‘break-up’. This has become a chapter, though tiny, in the story of almost every individual these days.
Today the entire world has gone so practical, that the word ‘love’ has probably lost its meaning. It has almost ceased to exist, literally.
Relationships might still be there, but they have definitely acquired a much curtailed version.
(I would like to make a point here that I am not talking about the kins or cognate relations.)

Any person looking for long term relationships or true love here, in the world of pragmatic individuals, is either termed as a passé or a big fat fool. The statutory warning follows that he or she would be amongst the gullible bunch in the crowd.

Earth has revolved into an era where there is no room for genuine spirits and flavors any longer. We have to keep rolling along with the clock and have ourselves updated to the latest trends and technologies. People have time to match their shoes, accessories, hairstyle and even nailpaints with their attire everyday, but nobody even cares to stop by and pass a modest smile to a person in need, let aside sitting by and sharing a few words of concern.

Even the movies and the songs of today, totally personify what the masses have become. They are flooded with more of drama and action and least significant specks of emotions. The day is not quite far when the word emotion might probably be found only in the smileys of our cellphones and chat messengers.

Have the sweet smiles and true gestures really lost their charm in the twenty first century.
Have the candy flavors and rainbow colors of life actually ceased to exist.

Leaving aside the so called ‘in’ drift of boyfriend/girlfriend crap which all of us have had quite enough I assume, I revert to my query again.

Will I ever be able to witness what was once upon a time addressed as pure love that is not bound by rules and regulations of the furious world, which will stand by me when the entire world goes against, hold my hand when I am afraid ,just to assure that I am not alone, lend me an ear when nobody cares to listen what I have to say, fight for me when I have no arguments left ,help me find a solution when I’m stuck with a hard decision and walk with me through this difficult journey called “LIFE”.