Sunday, August 21, 2011


Destiny sounds to be a funny term to me now.
It definitely is defined as an event that is inevitable to occur in future, then why is it, that every time I find it presenting me with something that I always dread of.

It really makes me ponder at times, does this only happen with me or is this the plot of kismet for each existing individual on this planet?

Every time I try to take an important decision of life , which happens quite rarely (as I happen to belong to the category of homo sapiens who remain in dilemma, in 90 percent of the situations faced), the wonderful destiny is standing right in front ,to bang my already messed up head with the most uncalled-for situations.
And this “BANG” of fate comes like a blow, all set to bust the tiny plans that I had somehow managed to put in place.
The entire dubiety in my head about this issue is that why this blow is always headed 180 degrees opposite to all my thoughts.
The chances of it being somehow parallel is limited awfully to almost once or twice out of hundred.
And trust me when so ever that happens, I honestly feel like offering God with a bribe of Laddoos so that I get to see such fortunate occurrences a little more often.

There are also times when I get a feel that now I can vividly make out the path taken by my luck amongst these terrifying games and try to take a safer path with my decisions;
Hahhaha, yet again it is there footing head-on towards me with even uglier situations, saying there is no escape from its clasp.  
After going through all this, you might be bewildered over the little question popping up in the corner of your mind, that why did I relate destiny to being funny if it is always so busy pestering me??
Substantially speaking, here the emphasis is not at all on how funny my fate can be, instead it is on the fact that at the end of day after taking all the bashes by my destiny dearest, all I can do is sit back and laugh on myself.

 It seems the toughest taskmaster is all set to impart some lessons that will advocate me to make some major corrections in my dictionary of life.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Diary Entry of a newbie 'IT'ian .....

It took me quite long to get my fingers back on the keyboard for jotting down some of my experiences and opinions on this new ‘crook’, I would say, in my life.
It’s the same city which I had visited twice in the yesteryears But it appears to be a completely different world to me now.                                     
And I think I can clearly make out the reason behind.
Bangalore, rather Bengaluru I should call it now, is in a literal sense the IT hub. The city seems to be satiated to its brim with hundreds of IT companies at every nook and corner. Yet it absorbs the huge crowds of youngsters that keep pouring in, quite magnanimously.
Now that we are into this topic I would also like to elucidate some facts about the IT employees residing in Bengaluru that I have observed.
It is very easy to identify an IT guy due to certain traits that almost all of them share uniformly across the country, if not the globe.
The foremost trait would be their ID cards, famously designated as “Patta” which should ideally be hung around their necks but it is seldom found there.
Every  morning you can find them running after their company shuttles and cabs as it is next to impossible for them to open their eyes in the morning and catch the conveyances at around 7:30 to 8:00 a.m.
They are  generally not spotted outside the office premises anywhere except the smoking zones during the afternoons.
Well smoking happens to be one of their favorite pastimes, as I see it, but actually as  they say, it becomes a necessity for most of them to handle the pressure and periodic thrashings coming from their Project Managers.
The off-time which should be renamed as release time is around 6:30 or 7:00 p.m. until you have not been assigned a project. But once you are into a project, well then there is literally no fixed work timing for you. You can consider yourself very lucky if you get to step inside your house and rest there during the earthly hours. 

Evening sees these poor creatures drenched in fatigue. They don’t even have the strength left to greet each other or pass a smile. All they care about is to get home and take a peaceful nap.
This is the undying modus operandi for them throughout the week.
The best and most awaited time for them are the weekends. Friday night seems to be a heaven-sent respite. Saturday and Sunday are the two days when you actually get to see them living their life. They shop and party their hearts out during these days.        
Sunday night is bad and Monday morning is the worst part in their lives.
So precisely talking, they keep struggling (24 X 7 X 52) hours .
Well very soon I will have to make a correction in this article…coz soon enough all the “they’s” would be converted to “I’s”.
To confess, some of them already have!!!
All I’ve got to say is…IT  life appears to be so flashy and happening to the outside world but genuinely I have found the lives of each individual associated with this domain very hollow and distressed.