Sunday, October 16, 2011

A word of thought for teachers

Last night I happened to come across the movie ‘Do Duni Char’ while surfing through the channels. Although I have already seen the movie twice, I could not stop myself from watching this simple, low budget drama, about which probably many people might not have even heard.
The movie clearly portrays the practical situations, troubles and difficulties faced by every other school teacher and his family in day to day life.
It always takes me down the memory lane to my school and college days and  recall all my dear teachers who have made me what I am known to be today.
“Teacher” is one of those words which is grasped by a child not very long after learning ma n pa; and that stays embedded in ones heart and soul forever.

It can be veritably quoted for teachers that……
People in other professions are responsible only for the products they make or the services they offer to the people but teachers shoulder the responsibility of making individuals and molding their personality.
In short they have the obligation of creation and maintenance of the entire structure of the society.
A mother gives birth to a child, a father supports and protects him but a teacher grooms him for getting prepared for his complete lifetime.   
Teacher is one of those milestones in the life of each person without whom a child cannot even take a step forward , let aside the question of adding to the development of the country. He shapes the raw minds of children which is like giving shape to a lump of clay. It is totally in his hands whether he builds or destroys it. 
It takes every teacher a lot of patience and effort to handle a task so fragile.

Taking all these points into consideration, I have just one question to pose to our democratic republic, which pops up in my mind every time I get a chance to see this film.
Why can’t we create an economic structure where every individual involved with this respectable and noble profession can put through the evens and odds of their lives with a little more comfort.

The numerous cases when we get to witness a teacher indulge into any undesirable activities, which would be out of greed seldom, but most often it is merely to fulfill the needs of their families clearly elucidates the conception. 
If our civilization can devote such immense amounts for people who prepare nuclear weapons, people who manufacture luxury products, people who design new equipments and develop softwares for making the life of masses easier, why not dedicate a substantial amount for the respectable figures who make us stand on our feet and teach us how to run and catch up with our counterparts in the race of life.  

The movie has done complete justice to the topic and the intent has been expressed in the most subtle manner, which can be grasped and thought upon by the Bollywood janta.
Hence, I wish one day, the people of our nation will voice this fact and ask for answers from our government for their gurus and mentors.